As new mining camps sprang up, the inevitable conflicts took place. The town jail was usually one of the first permanent buildings to be built. Many times the jails were moved to a new mining location by teams and wagons when the gold played out. The High Grade Jail is furnished as a typical jail would have been in the 1880s.

During the June Jamboree, Sheriff John Crnkovic keeps watch over the guests, his busy jail, and assorted lowlifes of questionable character.

Sure enough, the shifty character the sheriff was keeping an eye on, who was known on wanted posters as Tony Claytor, attempted to hold up the Argo Gold Mine Train. Justice was swift in the mining town of High Grade.

The jail cell iron door is so thick and heavy, Stephen had to place it on the floor of the building before he framed up the walls.

Our granddaughters, Clare and Quinn, prefer to “visit” the jail, and not venture into the jail cell with the rats chewing on the prisoner’s ear.