The two story Pulley House has a 10’ cascading waterfall providing 45 degree fresh water for the fish and waterfowl in the large pond. The water then flows out of the west end of the pond to irrigate the extensive lawns in the ghost town of High Grade. The Pulley House and Waterfall Garden is decorated with an extensive collection of antique pulleys from the late 1800s.

The pulley system on the second floor of the Pulley House was salvaged from a wheelwright shop in Lovelock, NV. The system was installed in the wagon makers shop after electricity became available in the late 1800s. A system of leather belts, connected to the overhead pulleys, operated the machinery used to build buggies and wagons. The original marble panel that controlled the electricity to the various pulleys is on display in our Blacksmith Shop.

The second story viewing area is reached by way of a 20’ ladder salvaged from an 1880s general store in Utah. The ladder can be clearly seen in the right in the photo above.