Then, in June, Stephen got lucky. His brother John reminded him that back in the 1970s, they had been exploring the old gold mines in the Warner Mountains near the mining town of High Grade. The property belonged to their step-father at the time. They had removed about 170′ of rail from a mine, hauled it to Davis Creek, and dumped it out in the field behind John’s house. He planned on using it sometime in the future, but soon forgot about it. As the years went by the sod grew up around it, and the rail disappeared under the surface.
When John found out Stephen just needed a little bit of rail, he remembered our adventure in the Warners 25 years earlier. He told Stephen that if he could find the rail he could have it.
Stephen and Will headed to Davis Creek and started probbing around in the grass behind John’s house. They soon located the rail. Some of it was so buried that a chain had to be tied around it, and Stephen’s truck pulled it out of the sod like a long snake.